Writer of fiction and occasional video game commentary. Digital artist. Pornographer.\n\n[[Back to Menu|Start2]]
<html><b><center>Let's Talk About Twine</b></center>\n<p>Not yet, but soon.</p>\n<p>Who makes the movies we watch? Popular men in nice suits and sunglasses. Tonight on Saturday TV Comedy Time we're going to talk to you about all the shows you should watch. It cost a lot of money to make them so you better go watch them. The suited men need your money to buy more suits.</p>\n<p>You can go watch them in the theater. That'll be $13 after snacks and drink. Sit in your comfy chair in a dark room full of strangers and watch white men rescue white women. The men are straight. The women are, too. They are the gender they were assigned at birth. The villains are enemies of capitalism or America or whiteness or gender norms. Enemies of normal. Normal movies made for normal people, telling them normal is moral purity. Difference is sin.</p>\n<p>Who makes the games we play? It is exactly the same. Instead of theaters we have game systems and HDTVs and new controllers and high speed internet and sixty dollar discs. Barriers to keep the poor out. They are not wanted in this realm. The realm where normal people play games about destroying the other. Rescuing the damsel in distress. Being the damsel in distress erotically broken against rocks and swords and scary foreign men.</p>\n<p>It is the system reinforcing itself. Teaching its values to others. Praising normal. Despising other.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<div>\n<p>Most prisoners are either jobless or working poor. Although African Americans comprise just over 12% of the U.S. population, nearly half of those incarcerated in prisons are black.</p>\n<p>...</p>\n<p>Inmates in prisons and jails are mostly illiterate, likely high school dropouts, and are either jobless or working at low-wage jobs at the time of their arrests. We find further evidence of the class character of criminal punishment in the categories of offenses for which the state punishes individuals. About half of those incarcerated in state prisons in the mid-1990s were there for crimes against property or for violating statutes regulating the morality of the working class, for example, the war on drugs.</p>\n<p>...</p>\n<p>The state administratively segregates affluent offenders and conventional criminals. The most notable contemporary instance of the special treatment corporate offenders enjoy is the Enron bankruptcy debacle. Enron, a natural gas pipeline company, engaged in illegal accounting practices. In the summer of 2003, executives of Citigroup and J. P. Morgan, major bankers of Enron, avoided jail time by settling with the federal government for $300 million. Government lawyers acknowledged that bank executives knew of and participated in Enron's illegal conduct. Such privileges for the well-to-do are reminiscent of practices in medieval Europe, where elites could avoid corporal punishment by paying fines.</p>\n</div>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Reward normal. Punish the other.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<div>\n<p>Like gay men, lesbians and bisexual persons, transgendered persons face employment and housing discrimination. They are also denied public accommodations and access to health care for their medical conditions. They are also potential targets for hate crimes: verbal harassment, hate mail, harassing telephone calls and even acts of violence committed by the same persons who hate homosexuals and bisexuals.</p>\n</div>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Reward normal. Punish other.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<div>\n<p>51 percent of Americans hold explicitly anti-black views. That figure is up from 48 percent in 2008, the year America elected its first black president.</p>\n<p>Those expressing implicit anti-black attitudes also spiked from 49 percent to 56 percent over the same four-year period, the Associated Press found in a poll released Saturday.</p>\n</div>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Reward normal. Punish the other.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<div>\n<p>54% of rapes/sexual assaults<span> are not reported to the police, according to a statistical average of the past 5 years. Those rapists, of course, never spend a day in prison. Factoring in unreported rapes, only about 3% of rapists ever serve a day in jail.</span></p>\n</div>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Entertainment media, just like any other aspect of our culture, reflects these things. It is not immune to the creeping spread of bigotry. It reinforces bigotry. It reinforces systems of oppression.</p>\n<p>Why bring this up? What does this have to do with Twine?</p>\n<p>Twine is free. You do not need to pay for Twine. All you need to share or experience a Twine game is a computer and an internet connection. It doesn't need to be a top-of-the-line computer. It can be old as hell. It doesn't need to be a high-speed internet connection. It can be slow as hell. If you have these, you can make a Twine game and it can be available to anyone else with these things. If you have these, you can experience anyone else's Twine game, provided you know where to look. The greatest audience for the least cost.</p>\n<p>That is not to say there aren't still barriers. For many people, these are significant barriers. However, it's much easier for someone without money to experience a Twine game than it is for them to experience a movie at the theater or a video game on a console. It's not perfect, but it's miles beyond anything else.</p>\n<p>This is important because it gives people who otherwise would not have a voice one. You don't need loads of time. You don't need to study for hours to even begin. You don't need to be rich. You don't need to be an academic. You don't need a nice suit. You can be any color, any gender, any sexuality, any identity and play and make Twine games. Others can play those Twine games. Through them we form the simplest, most beautiful connections with others. We may not even be aware of them, but they're there and they are powerful.</p>\n<p><a href="http://theautumnalcity.org/#">Telling stories about the people we've lost.</a></p>\n<p><a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/109926883/Shorn%20Face.html#">About a society of conformity, assimilation, and lost identity.</a></p>\n<p><a href="http://marrasart.net/momishome.html#">About trying to communicate our pain to others.</a></p>\n<p><a href="http://aliendovecote.com/uploads/twine/LD25/CYBERQUEEN.html">About sex, control, and empathy.</a></p>\n<p><a href="http://mkopas.net/files/queerpirateplane.html#">About wanting to be with our friends.</a></p>\n<p>There is an infinity of possibility at our fingertips thanks to Twine. We can share parts of ourselves with others. We, as in all of us. Messages far too important and far too human to be told by suits and cash. Messages that say, "I am different. Understand me." Messages begging to be loved instead of hated. It is beautiful.</p>\n<p>I don't think Twine is the end. The ultimate destination in our search for ways to share ourselves with others and be loved. It's a step. A huge step that spans miles, ignoring roads and stop signs and speed limits. It's a step in a world that has previously only shuffled its feet.</p>\n<p>It's beautiful and wonderful and there aren't words in my vocabulary to convey just how much I love this simple, accessible, amazing program. A program that let me talk about my own pain. A program that let me feel a little bit more understood. A little bit more loved. Twine helped me. It's helped others, too.</p>\n<p><a href="http://www.auntiepixelante.com/twine/">Maybe Twine can help you.</a></p></html>
To be updated in the near future.\n\n[[Back to Menu|Start2]]
<html><b><a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106579376/drowning.html">Drowning</a></b> - You're drowning, but that's okay.<br>\n<b><a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106579376/Kim%20Story.html">Kim's Story</a></b> - A story about a young girl in the Boy Scouts.<br>\n<b><a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106579376/Kim%20Story%20DC.html">Kim's Story: Director's Cut</a></b> - Elevating the Twine medium by adding the video game features Kim's Story was sorely lacking.<br>\n<b><a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106579376/Alone%20in%20an%20Alien%20Swamp.html">Alone in an Alien Swamp</a></b> - A Choose Your Own Adventure experiment in alien sex.<br>\n<b><a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106579376/terrible%20animal.html">Terrible Animal: The Dark Project</a></b> - Try to find out the meaning of your existence.<br>\n<b><a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106579376/Dreaming.html">Dreaming</a></b> - At night, we have so many dark thoughts.<br>\n<b><a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106579376/Time%20Travel.html">Time Travel</a></b> - Moving backwards through my recollection.<br>\n<b><a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106579376/One%20Hundred%20Candles.html">One Hundred Candles</a></b> - Stories from my youth. None of them happy.<br>\n<b><a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106579376/To%20my%20Grandma.html">To My Grandma</a></b> - There is no Heaven. There is no Hell. All I have are memories.<br>\n<b>Tale of the Dragon (Coming Soon)</b> - An adventure-filled porn game inspired by the Legend of Zelda franchise.</html>\n\n\n[[Back to Menu|Start2]]
<html><b><center>This site was made with Twine.<br>Twine is a free-to-use program for easily creating interactive media in HTML format.</b></center></html> \n[[Personal Bio|Bio]]\n[[Twine Stories]]\n[[Visual Art|Art]]\n<html><b><a href="http://erotickimzone.tumblr.com/">Nude Photos</a></b></html>\n[[Erotica]]\n[[Other Writing]]
History.prototype.originalDisplay = History.prototype.display;\n\nHistory.prototype.display = function (title, link, render)\n{\n if ((render != 'quietly') && (render != 'offscreen'))\n removeChildren($('passages'));\n \n this.originalDisplay.apply(this, arguments);\n};
[[Let's Talk About Twine|About Twine]]\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/53867863983/prince-bully-a-hypothetical-game-about-raising-a">Prince Bully</a></b></html> - A post about a hypothetical game I'd like to make someday.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/53586838353/theresia-love-can-be-unhealthy">Love Can Be Unhealthy</a></b></html> - A brief post about why I like Theresia's handling of love and abuse.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/53506120488/ico-is-a-bad-game">ICO Is a Bad Game</a></b></html> - Why I don't like ICO.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/53249681930/the-lie-of-video-game-literacy">The Lie of Video Game Literacy</a></b></html> - We are told that if we consume enough, our opinions will be more valid, and that is a lie.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/53039034184/remaking-myself">Remaking Myself</a></b></html> - Creating an image of who I want to be in an MMO, three weeks after starting HRT.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/52447065605/final-bosses">Final Bosses</a></b></html> - How final bosses in video games often come at the expense of pacing.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/52394617875/self-harm-and-video-games-into-a-wall-at-90-miles-per">Into a Wall at 90 Miles Per Hour</a></b></html> - A bit about my relationship with self harm and video games.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/52394474028/dont-remember-me">Don't Remember Me</a></b></html> - Our culture values trans women only as corpses to be remembered. I don't want that.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/52394006125/in-defense-of-fanfiction">In Defense of Fanfiction</a></b></html> - Fanfiction is heavily criticised by those who don't read it. Here is my defense of it.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/52394169937/problem-attic-thoughts">Problem Attic Thoughts</a></b></html> - My feelings on Liz Ryerson's 'Problem Attic'.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/52394401018/nerd-guide-to-satire">Nerd Guide to Satire</a></b></html> - Most nerds don't actually know anything about satire, and attempt in their ignorance to defend some games as such. Here I explain why their usage of the term is wrong.\n\n[[Back to Menu|Start2]]
<<set tale.title = "Kim Delicious">><html><b><center>This site was made with Twine.<br>Twine is a free-to-use program for easily creating interactive media in HTML format.</b></center></html> \n[[Personal Bio|Bio]]\n[[Twine Stories]]\n[[Visual Art|Art]]\n<html><b><a href="http://erotickimzone.tumblr.com/">Nude Photos</a></b></html>\n[[Erotica]]\n[[Other Writing]]\n<<silently>><<display 'One Page At A Time'>><<endsilently>>
<html><img src="http://i1014.photobucket.com/albums/af264/nonconneko/Header.png"></html>
<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/54117947960/megaman-what-i-love-about-robots-warning-nonconsent">What I Love About Robots</a></b></html> - A Megaman fanfic about a woman putting her new toy to good use. (Warning: Nonconsensual, Violence)\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/53407350021/how-to-clean-a-human-doll">How to Clean a Human Doll</a></b></html> - This helpful story will teach you all you need to know about the care and maintenance of people turned into dolls.\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/53328127557/buy-me-please-warning-sexual-slavery-dubcon">Buy Me Please</a></b></html> - A girl with no other choice sells herself to a man. (Warning: Dubious Consent, Sexual Slavery)\n\n<html><b><a href="http://abstractkimbolism.tumblr.com/post/52685664003/a-certain-fantasy-of-mine-tw-rape">A Certain Fantasy of Mine</a></b></html> - A girl with no other choice sells herself to a man. (Warning: Nonconsensual)\n\n[[Back to Menu|Start2]]
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